Tuesday 5 April 2011

I am new here, but here we go!

Hello world!

I have always wanted to start blogging, and today I decided let me take the plunge!  You know, in Swahili there is a saying, "Ushauyavulia maji, basi yaoge!"  loosely translated means, once you have taken off your clothes intending to take a bath, you may as well go ahead and take a bath!  Meaning to do a blog and actually doing one are two distinctly different things, and I'm glad after years of standing infront of the bathwater with my clothes off, I have finally taken the loofah and soaped it!

I am here, I am happy, I am blessed and I shall be seeing and saying more in the future.  God bless everyone, and have a fabulous day!


  1. hallow joy,
    am just going through your blog and I decided to start from your day one.
    and what a blog, what a spirit, what a smile on your face(I can almost visualized it)what a way to start!! and its all here on Joy's blog. all Truth all all real all the time.....

    so how does this blog thing work by the way..dont judge..

  2. Hey girlie girl!! thanks for your comment. you see the tab that says "creat blog" in the right hand corner of your computer screen next to log out, there is where you start creating your blog. Have a lovely day.

  3. Ushayavulia not Ushauyavulia
