Tuesday 2 August 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Welcome Kenya, the Newest Member of the Universal Baby Murder Club.

Start by looking at this article first.  http://safariafricaradio.com/index.php/section-blog/96-women/807-maputo-protocol-a-hard-won-victory-for-women

This is one of those posts I wish I never had to write.  Kenya finally ratified the Maputo Protocol.  For those who followed the debate by the parties opposed to the passing of the new Constitution in Kenya last year, one of the biggest threats was the fact that the Constitution only allowed for Ratification of an International Treaty for it to become law in Kenya.  There was a contentious clause as well of Abortion not being permitted unless the law expressly allowed it.  By the ratification of the protocol, guess what, Kenya finally joined the "Let us use State funds to murder children rather than to save lives Club"  I say this without fear of any contradiction, that this was what those who drafted the Constitution wanted in the first place.  That is why it was made so difficult to change once the true plot came out.  How did we get here?

The USA has found itself in unfamiliar territory over the last month.  They have aired their dirty linen in public for all to see, Americans are very patriotic and know how to criticize others without really pointing any fingers at themselves.  However the battle between the Republicans and the Democrats, the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Liberals versus the Conservatives has been played out blow by blow in full view of the world.  If the stakes would not have been so high, it would have been laughable.  One analyst however summed in up neatly.  He said the problem is not really Congress or the Senate or the points being thrown around.  He reckoned the problem is the fact that election donations by special interest groups was not as tightly controlled, and therefore those in power, had huge special interest group donors who were watching keenly.  Next year being an election year, no one wants to lose a donor now, so everyone felt compelled to play hard ball, hence the historic stalemate.

Now back to Kenya.  This Constitution we now have, that I have sworn allegiance to only because I am a patriotic Kenyan, is not a Kenyan Constitution.  It is not a Wanjiku Constitution.  It is an NGO Constitution.  Special Interest groups had endless lobbying to form a compliant "Committee of Experts" whose expertise was apparent only to them and to those who suggested they are experts.  Then came the Referrendum Campaigns and the money that was "poured" to "educate" Kenyans on the contents of the Constitution.  The Church stood up very strongly opposed to the document, and those of us who spoke on behalf of the Church were labelled "liars" our Bishops were called "Demon-Possessed" One cabinet ministers actually called the Church Pastors "Ninkapoops" (sp?)

Within the last one month, Kenya finally committed itself to the World during a Conference in New York, to fully implement the Protocol, and committed to also end all forms of discrimination including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.  Indeed, get me right on Abortion, my heart bleeds for all those women who will buy the lie and procure the same, to end up with broken dreams, nightmares, and a womb upon which death has found solace and continually rejects life even when she wants to give life.  I bleed for those children who will never see the light of day, who's lives will be ended by an abortionists tools breaking into their warm cell.

I have to finish this later, my heart is so broken, I need a good cry.  Kenya has just mortgaged it soul to the devil.  God help us.